Elasticsearch vs. Solr

July 20, 2022

Elasticsearch vs. Solr: The Ultimate Comparison

If you're in the market for a sophisticated search and analytics system, chances are you've come across two popular tools: Elasticsearch and Solr. Both systems are widely known for their efficient search capabilities, scalability, and open-source nature. But which one is right for you? In this article, we'll dive into the differences between Elasticsearch and Solr, and help you make an informed decision.


Before we get to comparing Elasticsearch and Solr, let's briefly define what they are.

  • Elasticsearch is an open-source, RESTful search engine built on top of Apache Lucene. It's designed to handle large amounts of data and provides near-real-time search and analytics capabilities.

  • Solr, also an open-source search platform, is built on top of Lucene as well. It aims to provide high-speed text search, scalable and fault-tolerant distributed search, and faceted search capabilities.

Now that we know the basics, let's compare the two.


One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a search platform is performance. Elasticsearch and Solr both provide high-speed search and analytics, but Elasticsearch is undoubtedly faster in almost every benchmark comparison. In fact, Elasticsearch is known to be up to 50% faster than Solr in certain use cases [1]. Elasticsearch's advanced caching and clever use of memory give it an edge over Solr.


Both Elasticsearch and Solr are scalable and can handle large amounts of data, but Elasticsearch is built with scalability in mind. Elasticsearch uses a distributed architecture out of the box, meaning you can easily scale your cluster horizontally by adding more nodes. Solr, on the other hand, requires some additional configuration to scale out [2]. In that sense, Elasticsearch is the clear winner when it comes to scalability.

Search Capabilities

Both Elasticsearch and Solr are great at search, but they approach search differently. Elasticsearch's search engine is built for structure and unstructured search, whereas Solr focuses more on text search. Elasticsearch's DSL (Domain Specific Language) allows for more complex query builders, whereas Solr's query syntax may offer less flexibility. Elasticsearch also offers better aggregation support for searching over large datasets.

Ease of Use

Lastly, ease of use is an important consideration. If you're used to working with Lucene, Solr will be the easier of the two to learn. Elasticsearch, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve compared to Solr. Elasticsearch boasts a more comprehensive API, which could be both a blessing and a curse.


So, which one should you choose? As with most things, it depends on your specific needs. If you need lightning-fast search, scalability, and have a knack for learning new technology, Elasticsearch may be a better pick. If you're more interested in text search and are already familiar with Lucene, Solr may be the better option.


  1. "Elasticsearch vs. Solr: Performance and Scaling". Hackernoon, 2021. https://hackernoon.com/elasticsearch-vs-solr-performance-and-scaling-comparison-4q3z3a73.
  2. "How To Scale Solr". Lucidworks, 2022. https://lucidworks.com/post/how-to-scale-solr/.

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